When translating the phrase looking forward to from English into Spanish, you will find that several translations apply. This is because some expressions have such a diverse number of meanings. Note that the English phrase already has a great deal of sensation and subtlety to it.

The translation from English to Spanish will often depend upon the context, the speaker’s intention, and the message.

Here are six ways of saying looking forward to in the Spanish spoken in Spain.


Tener ganas de

This is an informal phrase. It indicates the motivation, will, and desire to do something.

El sábado me voy de vacaciones, tengo muchas ganas”

Laura nunca he estado en Filipinas, tiene ganas de ir, es un país increíble”

“Mis colegas necesitaban descansar y tenían ganas de tomar un café”

Tengo ganas de que vengas a mi fiesta”


Hacer ilusión 

While similar in meaning to tener ganas de, hacer ilusión refers to a long-term activity, a new state, or a new change.

Me hace ilusión el viaje a Colombia”

Veo que te hace mucha ilusión hacer submarinismo”,


It can also refer to a new long term change

A Carla y Javier les hace mucha ilusión mudarse a su nueva casa”

Nos hace mucha ilusión casarnos”


We would never say:

“me hace mucha ilusión tomar un café”


Qué ganas! No puedo esperar! 

Both phrases work in an informal context. You can use this phrase without accompanying it with any other word in Spanish. It’s very similar in meaning to the English I can’t wait!


4 Using Looking forward to seeing you

In Spanish, this phrase can be used as an informal farewell:

nos vemos pronto” or “espero verte pronto


5 In formal contexts and writing

It’s common in Spanish lessons for students to ask how to express looking forward to formally or in writing. This would apply at the end of a work email or a formal invitation.

If you seek either a response or a call to action such as I look forward to hearing from you, the most accurate Spanish phrase would be:

a la espera de su pronta respuesta”

le agradezco de antemano su respuesta”

resto a la espera de su respuesta”

quedo a la espera de su respuesta”


6 Formality when saying goodbye

In most cases, the English phrase I look forward to is a formal way of saying goodbye, usually in writing. In Spanish, there is usually no literal translation for this.

To do so from greater to lesser formality, you can say:

Reciba un cordial saludo”




Un saludo”

Un abrazo”


If you want to fit in seamlessly in every Spanish-speaking social situation, then join my online Spanish lessons. I’ll train you in the most relevant vocabulary and phrases to make sure you sound like a native.

Happy learning!