The verb parecer in Spanish can be used to make phrases that mean similar things but have a different purpose depending on the context.  Spanish learners often get confused when choosing the correct pronoun, preposition or person liked to a particular use of the verb. We also must be careful with the diverse connotations and nuances in this verb. The phrases, “pareces inteligente”, “eres inteligente” and “se parecen en la inteligencia” are not interchangeable, which is why this article will analyse four uses of parecer in Spanish so that you can avoid misunderstandings.



We use me parece to give an opinion on something, someone, or a situation. So you might want to rate or evaluate an experience, different people, or things with descriptive words, such as an adjective, a noun and an adjective, or un plus a noun.

¿Te pareció fácil el examen?

Did you find the exam easy?


Las novelas de este autor me parecen tan aburridas.

I find this author´s novels so boring.


A Laura le pareció una fiesta muy divertida.

Laura thought it was a very fun party.


Remember that the subject refers to the thing, person, or situation being rated, so the verb must be conjugated correctly so that it agrees with the grammatical person of the subject. In the above examples, the respective subjects are el examen, las novelas, and la fiesta. In addition, the verb parecer requires pronouns too: me, te, le, nos, os, les.

Me parece also helps us give an opinion, and the verb is followed by que.


“Me parece que la exposición no es muy interesante.”

It seems to me the exhibition isn’t very interesting.


“A Laura le parece que vayamos a cenar a este restaurante.”

Laura agrees to go out for dinner at this restaurant.



As you can see, this phrase uses the same verb form as before. However, it means apparently or it seems like. In using this phrase, you refer to information based on others` opinion.

“Parece que el nuevo presidente no habla francés.”

Apparently, the new president doesn’t speak French.


“Parece que el avión no despegó porque tuvo un pequeño incidente.”

Apparently, the plane didn’t  take off because of an accident.



This form is used to express similarity between two people, things or situations.

Mi madre y yo nos parecemos.

My mother and I look alike.


Las dos películas del director se parecen.

The director´s two films are similar.


Tu hermano y tú os parecéis en el carácter.

You and your brother resemble each other in personality.


Note here that the verb must be followed by the pronouns me, te, se, nos, os, and se agreeing with the subject. Moreover, we do not add a preposition after the verb because the above examples have no grammatical object.

If you do use a grammatical object, then the verb must be followed by a:

Yo me parezco a mi madre.

I look like my mother.


La primera película del director se parece a la segunda.

The director`s first film resembles his second.


Tú te pareces a tu hermano en el carácter.

You resemble your brother in personality.



When we want to describe someone, something or a situation without being certain of the facts, we need to use a combination of parecer followed by an adjective or by a noun and an adjective.

Juan parece interesante pero me gustaría conocerlo más.

Juan seems interesting but I would like to know him better.


In this particular case we use parece interesante instead of es interesante to express this uncertainty.

Ya tengo las entradas para la obra de teatro, parece divertida.

I already have tickets for the play; it looks like fun.


Note that parecer must be conjugated and followed by either an adjective (as in the previous examples), or by a noun and an adjective, as seen below.

Tengo ganas de viajar a Florencia, parece una ciudad muy artística.

I am looking forward to travelling to Florence; it seems like a very artistic city.


Pareces una persona inteligente.

You seem like a smart person.


Be careful with this final example, as its use could lead to a misunderstanding.

So here is your summary of how parecer is used in Spanish. Even though the word is largely similar in many cases, you should now be able to understand the different meanings attached to it and the verb forms you need to use. Happy speaking!